Our Team in Kitzingen

Dieter Tellinger

Dieter Tellinger

State-certified business economist
Certified freelance expert for real estate valuation (WertCert)
Real estate agent (IHK)
Certified business administrator (IHK)

After working as a tax official in the upper service, I changed my focus. At the city of Ansbach I found a new challenge. Here I was also active in the third qualification level. My passion for real estate became apparent during my time at the building authority. At a regional property developer I deepened my expertise.

With von Poll Immobilien I have the opportunity to offer my passion and the service idea to the customer.


Real estate agent Mrs. Opponent

Anne Gegner

Real Estate Consultant

Phone: +49 9321 - 92 44 995

Email: anne.gegner@von-poll.com

My interest in the real estate world emerged early on. After graduating from high school, I began studying business administration to first familiarize myself with the world of finance and economics. My enthusiasm for real estate was further strengthened during my studies, and I am currently working on the final stages of my bachelor's thesis on price developments in the German real estate market.
Because I come from Iphofen and am very close to home, I am particularly pleased to be able to work for VON POLL in Kitzingen.

At VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Kitzingen, my interest in the real estate world can be perfectly combined with my enthusiasm for the area here. In addition, I benefit from the young, modern and up-and-coming company.


Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt


Patrick Grau

Patrick Grau




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