Our Team in Munich

Volker Stich

Volker Stich

Licensee for VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Munich city center

Phone: +49 89 - 18 91 711 0

Email: volker.stich@von-poll.com

Bankkaufmann IHK
Fachwirt der Grundstücks- und Wohnungswirtschaft IHK / Meisterpreis der Bay. State government
Certified independent expert for real estate valuation (WertCert)

What is the right time for the acquisition or sale of a property? What must prospective customers do, in order to be able to finally fulfill the dream of the home of one's own and which preparations are to be made with acquisition and/or sales?

What is the correct price of a real estate in Munich? How high do I set the "lover's price" of a Munich Immobile? Is a real estate worthwhile itself for the capital investment? Who takes care of tenants with a good credit rating? Are there possibilities to let annuitize a real estate?

Why should I assign an estate agent for a real estate sale? Where does VON POLL IMMOBILIEN differ from competitors on the market?

This is only a small excerpt of questions and problems that my team and I are confronted with on a daily basis. Our task is to accompany you safely and efficiently in the sale and purchase of your property - so that no question remains open.


Assistentin der Geschäftsstellleitung

Dilara Özel

Assistance to the branch manager

Phone: 089 - 18 91 711 0

Email: dilara.oezel@von-poll.com

Als Assistentin der Geschäftsstellenleitung in der Immobilienbranche bin ich die rechte Hand der Führungsebene. Zu meinen Hauptaufgaben zählen die effektive Koordination von Terminen, die sorgfältige Verwaltung von Dokumenten sowie die Förderung einer reibungslosen Kommunikation im Team. Des Weiteren bin ich bei der Organisation von Immobilienvermittlungen behilflich und kümmere mich um die Pflege von Kundenbeziehungen. Die Verwaltung von Verträgen und die umfassende Analyse des Immobilienmarktes ergänzen mein Aufgabenportfolio, während ich stets darauf achte, dass die Geschäftsabläufe effizient und problemlos verlaufen.


Real estate agent for VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Munich City Center

Kristina Königseder

Publicly appointed and sworn translator and interpreter for the Spanish language

B.A. Translating/ B.A. Tourism Management

As a real estate agent at Von Poll Immobilien München-Innenstadt, my tasks are diverse: I advise clients, evaluate and market properties, organize viewings and contract negotiations. My passion for real estate drives me to develop tailor-made solutions and provide a first-class service, always focusing on helping people find their perfect home or successfully sell their property. A significant asset is my ability to speak different languages fluently, as I also work as a translator and interpreter. This versatility enables me to provide clients from different countries with the best possible service and support to make their real estate dreams come true.




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